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Re: "White Spirit" - What is it?

To: "Tomislav Marincic" <>
Subject: Re: "White Spirit" - What is it?
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:46:37 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumphs List" <>
>        I'm Waxoyling a TR250 frame here in the U.S.A., and the
>instructions on the can call for thinning the Waxoyl with "White spirit".
>Does anyone know what that is in American English? I know "Methylated
>Spirit" is what we call "Denatured Alcohol", but I can't find "White
>Spirit" in any of the usual glossaries of British vs. American usage.
>        What do you folks in the UK use "White Spirit" for, other than
>thinning Waxoyl?


"White Spirit" is the name given for a substitute for "Turpentine" AKA known
in England as "Turps." Don't know whether turps is so-called in the US, but
we use it here for washing out paint brushes used for domestic oil based
paints. If you call turps by the same name, I wouldn't recommend you using
Turpentine proper as a thinning agent for Waxoyl. There's a risk it might
eat into the paint. White Spirit is a far safer bet as being oil based the
aromatics flash off and the paint will be preserved. If this is your first
try-out with waxoyl - good luck. Its a filthy job but a fantastic product.

John Mac

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