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Re: Sorry

Subject: Re: Sorry
From: richard jackson <>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 10:03:52 +0000
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Nene College
References: <>
Anyone who walks through a ferry terminal carrying an M60 machine gun, wearing a
black balaclava with a 10 lump of semtex under his arm deserves detaining, we 
you you wouldn't get away with it Johnny, but you wouldn't listen!!!!! :-)

Also, the mortar tubes in the back of the Viterald Estate looked a bit dodgey!!!

Rich wrote:

> In a message dated 98-12-01 12:08:25 EST, writes:
> > The man kelly is truly an angel although I'm afraid that I'll have
> >  reserve total judgement as I don't feel i can trust anyone with a
> >  slightly irish background, not after my detention under the prevention of
> >  terrorism act 2 weeks previous!!!!! (Not a joke!)
> >
> Johnny, tha's why me ancestors left in 1870.  My father told me "we left
> because we were horse thieves or revolutionaries - take your pick.  Either way
> they were after us."  Then his father (born in the US) went and married my
> grandmother who was of English stock.  Go figure.  Tell us the story -
> although I figure you will.  :-).
> Art Kelly

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