Hello all--
Some simplistic questions from a rookie:
1) In using colortune on my 76 "6," I notice that when I push down on
the "special tool" (hex wrench) that adjusts the mixture, the color
changes to yellow, then back to blue. Also, it seems that jiggling the
heavy collar that fits in the dashpot hole results in different
colors--even with the tiny tab fitted properly in the slot to prevent it
from turning the diaphram out of position.
Questions: is this normal & at what point in this process is the REAL
color showing--the one I should be paying attention to?
2) Despite the above, the engine sounded great last night on a test run.
Although it lacked a bit of power--or seemed to hesitate a split
second--at the very low end, it ran smooth and strong up to about 3500
rpm -- as far as i took it. However, on deceleration with no load on the
engine, there is a distinct popping sound. I've heard that this can be
an exhaust leak allowing raw gas in the header to get oxygen, which
causes it to fire. Also, there is a fairly clear clicking sound near the
exhaust flange on the #6 cylinder. Valves were just adjusted and the
sound does not seem to be valve-related.
Questions: Before buying a new manifold gasket and taking on yet another
job, is there any way to confirm that this is indeed an exhaust leak?
Could the popping come from a bad mixture (see above)? Could the leak be
from the air injector tube?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
Ian CF57345U