I've never installed one on a spit ,but on a TR6 the feed runs off the
oil pressure switch to the rear of the head. Beware there can be a problem
with too much oil in the top end. I recently rebuilt the head on my 6 and
installed a feed kit. After driving it a while the smoking did not
subside. Posing my dilemma to the list, I was prompted to remove the feed
kit and now it uses oil in a normal fashion. I'm sure you'll get some
input from the "spit crew" on thier experiences but thought you should
hear of my trials.I still have a feed kit for sale if any listers are
interested $30.00 plus shipping (slightly used)
Tim Hutchisen
CC57787 1971
Dennis F. Kimberlin wrote:
> Can you provide some help on the installation of this item?
> SPITBITS had it on sale for $13.-- cheaper than VB and since I thought
> the more oil to the "upper level" the better, decided to get one.
> However, no installation instructions.
> Anyone ever put one in a 1500?
> I'm not totally mechanically disinclined, although my wife might be
> willing to debate that topic for the 99th time, so any help would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Dennis
> 75 SPIT (we're makin' progress)
> Omaha, NE