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Re: Electrical problem

To: Richard Taylor <>
Subject: Re: Electrical problem
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 22:07:01 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
On Tue, 19 May 1998, Richard Taylor wrote:

> I have a 66 TR4A with a small problem.. I have no brake lights or turn
> signals.  The PO installed a hazard switch - all the lights work with it,
> but no turn indicators or brake lights.  Any help on where to check?  I am
> lost!

Do you have a 12V circuit tester?  (light-up screwdriver ;-))

If so then remove the plinth over the turn signal stalk and noodle around
with the wire ends (with the ignition on), using the circuit tester.  Clip
one end to ground and poke the other end at the wires.  I think the center
wire on the switch should have 12V to it at all times.  

If things look corroded in there it will be advantageous to clean it up.
(turn off ignition first!!)  I used a mild abrasive (=sandpaper) to polish
the contacts on the terminals and the 'shoe' that bridges them.  

However I have a hunch that the hazard circuit may have buggered up the
signal light circuit.  A bit of sleuthing using a mirror, flashlight,
fingers, etc. will find out which wires go where.  Power goes from the
battery to the switch, to the flasher (if applicable) then through the
lights to ground.  Something in there is not connected.

The secondary culprit is bad ground.  With the switch 'on' wiggle the
wires to the light bulbs and see if they light.  Make sure there are no
explosives nearby, and don't do this outside in the rain.

Good luck,

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