Trevor Jordan schrieb:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >there seem to be many people having trouble with overheating engines .
> >For those involved I suggest first to check if there is air in the cooling
> >system. On some TRs like the TR 6 it can be hard or impossible to get all air
> >out because the water pump is mounted higher than the radiatorcap and
> >remaining
> >air bubbles are trapped.
> >
> >Someone in our local Triumph club found a perfect way to fix it.
> >
> >On a TR 250 or TR 6 (and maybe on others)you can take the top housing of the
> >water pump off and use one of a Ford Fiesta instead. This one should be a
> >direct
> >replacement and has 2 advantages :
> >
> >1. It has a thread with an electric thermostat switch screwed in. By removing
> >the switch which is at the highest point you can vent the system
> >
> >2. You have an automatic on-off switch for an electric fan
> >
> >I hope this helps someone
> >
> >Gerhard
> >
> >1969 TR 6
> Gerhard
> This is one of the most useful pieces of information that I have seen on
> this list. Can you be more specific about which model/year of Ford Fiesta
> or, better still, the part number for the top housing. Vehicle
> manufacturers often use the same name on different models in different
> countries.
> mit freundlichem Gru�
> Trevor Jordan
> 74 TR6
Hello Trevor, Gernot and all interested in more information,
today I got my water pump top housing from my local Ford dealer. The part the
Ford man had ordered had an additional little connecting piece near the thread
for the swich. This little tube is originally needed for connection with the
expansion bottle of the Fiesta. I will remove the little tube, put a thread in
the remaining hole and screw a part-drilled screw in for easyer venting. But
sure the housing is availible without connecting piece as well if you find a
good partsdealer who is able to find it in his parts lists.
However the part I bought today was cheap (21 DM) and fits super on my
The parts number is 92BM-8592-AA, 1690-4-15, 6814635/1628164
CC 31998