kevin huff wrote:
> Guess my
> actual point is, does anybody know how to dispose of things labeled gt6+ and
> all the stuff that follows 'em.
Ummm, Kevin's wife, you could just put a stamp on _everything_ and mail
them to me.... <g>
Less facetiously, there are probably many interested parties on this
list, but you need to let everyone here know where you are, and, if
possible, the general condition of the items. Some people may have an
interest, for example, but might be too far from you to pick up the cars
or parts, if you were unwilling to ship them.
If your general location is known, as well, there may be people who are
both members of this list and of a local Triumph club, and one or more
might be able to help you sort through everything.
My other Triumph runs, but....