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Re: automatic transmissions

Subject: Re: automatic transmissions
From: James <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:02:02 +0000
Cc: triumph owners digest <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: UKAEA
References: <>
All this semi-auto stuff, that's not what I wan't, I wan't a car that
when you are in first or second in your standad manual setup, and 
your revs drop below 900 rpm, the clutch goes in.  When the car is
in nutral the cluck goes out.  When you go above 900 rpm the cluch
engadges over 1/2 a second.  This way you don't have to touch
the clutch pedel in trafic, it could also slip it if your in
second from full stop.  Thus you change like normal.

But you car won't use the 15% of the power like a normal automatic 
with torque converter.  You will get the economy, and even in that
auto clutch mode you can still do wheel spins away from the junction
(the best way of stopping pedestreians from crossing inf ront of you)
becasue you should be able to get 5000 rpm's before it engadges. 

Yep, I'm going to design one, that ties onto the hydrolic system. 

How can you tell if the car infront is an auto?  You've just
overtaken them. 
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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