Hey Joe, this looks great! You've done a really nice job with all the info
you've collected. The page is laid out in a very nice format. I highly
suggest to all to go look at this page.
Rod Randle
'78 Spit
Joe Curry wrote:
> I just got finished publishing the revised Spitfire Database Web Page.
> I used frames on the data pages and because I realize all browsers
> cannot view frames, I would like to ask everybody to browse the site and
> let me know how it looks, then report back to me with comments, problems
> and let me know which browser you are using.
> The site URL is: http://home1.gte.net/spitlist/index.html
> As always, I appreciate your help.
> Regards,
> Joe Curry
> --
> "Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible
> to travel across the country coast to coast without seeing
> anything." -- Charles Kuralt