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Re: Voting Results so far... Choose my car color!

Subject: Re: Voting Results so far... Choose my car color!
From: PKal <>
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 20:52:11 EST
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-02-25 05:54:34 EST, RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK writes:

<< >> >>Paint it a BRG, and then put a mouth and teath on the
 >> >>front, and side wings.  A bit like you see some of the
 >> >>WW2 Spitfires.
 >> >
 >> >Wasn't that a Curtiss Kittyhawk????
 >> >
 >> >Rich
 >> *******************************
 >> Actually it was the Curtiss P40 Warhawk, sorely underpowered - but non the
 >> less, a awesome looking plane -
Actually all three names were applied to the P-40, depending on the model and
the nation which was using it.....according to my Big Book O' Planes :-)


 >And called the Tomahawk by the RAF
 I'm sure there was  a KittyHawk too!!  In fact I thought that's what it was
 that got shot down in the film 'Tobruk'
 Hmm, me see's a touch of web surfin' comin' on here. :-)

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