> This extra responsibility probably contributes to the attitudes some
>of you have encountered. I mean face it, if you were the phone orders
>the parts puller, the technical service rep, the billing clerk, the
shipping clerk,
>the purchasing dept., the maintenance crew and the CEO of your company
>..would you find your patience stretched at times?
>Chris Prugh
>72 Spitfar
>Morgan Hill, CA
>TTSCC Pub. Director
Chris, I am all of those things at my company and more, as I am sure that
this person at Triumphs Only is. And I screw up, as I assume he does as
However, any time someone calls me and is dissatisfied with what I've done,
I bend over backwards to please them. The only exceptions to this rule are
when someone is asking for something that's just not possible, way beyond
what anyone could have expected, or the person hasn't paid an outstanding
If I've shipped 25 controllers and the customer plugs them all in backwards,
I take them back and fix them. If software I've written doesn't meet with
customer satifaction, I offer a refund if I can't make it meet with their
And yes, it runs you ragged. But anyone who can't handle the bad days
shouldn't be running their own business.
George Richardson
Merlin Group Inc.
'57 TR3, TS15559L