Don't tell anyone but it makes an excellent final cleaner to be used just
before painting small parts. I have even used it to final clean engine
parts before assembly. The fumes dictate using it in an open area.
> From: Roger Helman <>
> To: triumph listserv <>
> Subject: Cleaning Brake residue from your Rims.
> Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 10:50 AM
> After replacing the front brake pads on my explorer, I discovered a
> neat trick. Now this is probably obvious to most readers. I'm not sure
> why it never occurred to me before. (Possible because brake cleaner is
> for brakes) But brake cleaner will remove *ALL* the nasty build up from
> your rims. Just spray it on and wipe it off. Before I always had
> scrubbed them with a baby bottle brush cleaner and I was never able to
> completely remove all the gunk from the rims. I know this is a minor
> thing, but my rims now look like new. My wife even noticed how clean
> they were.
> I bet it would work wonders on chrome also!
> Roger
> --
> Roger Helman 71 TR6 CC67866L
> Digimation Inc.
> New Orleans La.
> Voice. 504.468.7898
> Fax. 504.468.5494