(Resent with correct subject line, Sorry!)
>>> "John Duhart" <DUHART@symbol.com> 02/18 8:21 AM >>>
Hey All,
While we're on the subject of batteries I have another question.
I have a battery the hasn't been used since Oct 96. I also have a
battery charger, and a Volt/Amp meter. How should I test the battery to judge
it current state? If I connect the battery to the charger, is it possible to
use the meter to judge how much chargine is required, while the charger is
attached to the battery?
I know I will by a new battery soon, However I just put the engine back
in the car, and I would just like to see the starter turn over so I know
everything is wired correctly? I would also like to start the car once before
I buy a new battery. I don't want to drain a new battery doing this if I don't
have to.