On Thu, 05 Feb 1998 01:55:34 -0500
Bill Kelly <kelly@dss.com>
Subject: Triumphs on film
Just finished watching "Two For The Road" (1967), starring a man (Albert
Finney), a woman (Audrey Hepburn) and a car (196? Triumph Herald).
The car was signal red, grey interior, blach hood, spa white wheels with
standard issue Herald wheel covers, white guages, RHD, round-eye bonnet
(not a 13/60), wood dash, white rubber bumpers, UK plate 2402MT.
OK Bill, here goes: Signal Red was available for all years of Herald
ie: April 1959 to May 1971.
Grey Interior: Curious this, because the (Phantom) Grey Upholstery was only
(supposedly) supplied on the 948 Herald with Signal Red paint, and not on the
1200 Herald with Signal Red Paint, which denotes the age of the car you
mention to be between 22 April 1959 and the end of 948 production at January
(however, this is only a general rule, as almost any combination could be
supplied at the customers request, if the factory had old stock left over).
You say Blac(k) hood, and as you used the British term 'Grey' instead of
'Gray', I assume when you say 'hood' you mean the 'soft-top' and not bonnet,
thereby the car in the film must have been a convertible, as you didn't
specify above.
(I just noticed you are a British lister!!!)
OK, now let's see, the Convertible 948 Herald was available from April 1959 up
to June 1961, and the Convertible 1200 Herald from February 1961 to August
The grey upholstery, and the (apparently) White gauges, (actually 'Wisteria'),
point to a 948 Herald Convertible.
The White rubber bumpers are usually associated with the 1200 Heralds, as the
948's were not normally fitted with them, but what do you suppose happened to
the last unsold 948's once the 1200's hit the showroom, in the period February
1961 to June 1961 ? I'll tell you! They got some extras fitted to make them
more attractive that's what! ie: 1200 style rubber bumpers and the wooden
Lastly, that registration plate 2402 MT (the gap is required by law, BTW),
Interestingly, 'MT' denotes that the car was registered by the London County
Council licensing authority, (as was). FWIW, it was later used by Middlesex
The system of three, and later, four numbers, followed by two letters,
commenced in April 1953 and continued through to sometime during 1963,
(depending on the density of car-buying population in that area).
Therefore, what you saw on that film is a West London, registered 948 Herald
Convertible, most probably first registered during the period February-June
and fitted with the Herald 1200 style white rubber bumper kit, and wooden
dashboard kit. (both of which were also available as after market 'upgrades'
from Standard-Triumph).
Commission number ? (how sad do you think I am ?-rhetorical question!)
Oh all right then, since you asked, it would be somewhere in the range:
Y22127 _ _ up to Y23428 _ _ for January 1961 up to June 1961.
Those numbers encompass both Coupes and Convertibles.
The Coupes had a suffix after the numbers of CP and the Convertibles CV.
I hope that answer is sufficiently detailed for you!
(although Andy has probably beaten me to it!)
ps.What year was the film made, and was it in colour ? or, how do you know it
was Signal Red ?
My question for the Heraldisti out there is, what year is it? Can anyone
put some upper and lower bounds on the Comm #? Any other info, such as
_where_ it was registered?
Bill Kelly
See above:
Leon F Guyot
Triumph Sports Six Club International Liaison Secretary
67 Herald Convertible
63 Vitesse Convertible