As you may recall, a while back I asked subscribers to some of the lists
I manage to send in monetary tokens of their appreciation. The response
was nice, though still far short of the required funds for the 20,000 square
foot shop, state of the art tools and 1.5 mile personal road race course.
So it goes. I'll try to get caught up with the thank you notes this weekend.
A slight surprise was had in the comments from a few folks who had no idea
who I am or what I do. On the one hand, this is the way it should be. You
sign up, you get your email, end of story. One analogy that may be appropriate
is water. You wake up, shower, shave, make your coffee, whatever. You turn
on the tap, water comes out, no big deal. No need to think about where it
comes from, what goes into providing that service for you. While standing
there with one eye half open watching Mr. Coffee do his thing, you don't
concern yourself with the guy down at the local water plant running around
twisting valves, mopping up the leaks and fishing the dead rats out of the
flow. Those of you on the outskirts of town with your own wells can relate!
So for those of you not quite aware of how this all works, I'm the guy
that keeps the dead rats out of your coffee.
You're welcome.
Contributions to:
Fat Chance Garage
PO Box 58333
Salt Lake City, UT 84158