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Re: Droopy TR-4 Motor

To: Darrell Leach <>
Subject: Re: Droopy TR-4 Motor
From: Justin Wagner <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 16:12:46 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Justin Ltd.
References: <>
Darrell Leach wrote:
> Yet another question for the collective genius:
> Has anyone had any experiance with a TR-4 motor that drops down and causes
> contact between the fan shaft and the steering rack?
> This condition exist on two different cars, my late '62 (CT13108L) and a
> friends '67 (CT66XXXL ?).
> New motor mounts provided a momentary reprieve but after about a day of
> driving the condition had returned.  The '67 was fixed by making shims of
> thick washers (notched, to allow them to be put in without removing the
> mounts) and sliding these shims under the engine mounts.  While this is a
> workable fix it strikes me that there most be a better (read correct) way.
> Any suggestions?
> So Long,
> Darrell Leach,   KD6LRC   DM-15,   Ridgecrest, Ca
>   email:
> 1962 TR-4 (CT5368LO)  Everyday
> 1962 TR-4 (CT13108L)
> 1965 Spitfire Mk 2
> 1967 Spitfire Mk 3   In work, lots of 1500 stuff
> Keeper of the TR-4 List, Version 1.2 availible.

I have run into this problem myself... and found that the cylindrical
motor mounts seem to maintain a better height than the box-like
mounts...  but I still have one big washer in there for distance.

Los Angeles

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