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Re: TR250 Main Cap Help

Subject: Re: TR250 Main Cap Help
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 02:59:47 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
IPOUYA:    It takes a substancial amount of damage to the maincap to make it
unrepairable as you will me machining where the wear or damage occurs.I f
they are very bad some welding or brazing may be necessary to get the correct
& full support.
   The bl ockcould be another matter as the critical measurements come off
the block seats for the thrust washers & if they are damaged to the point
where the seats for the thrust washers is damaged beyond getting the critical
measurements it may be scrap.I have seen occassions where you could get the
critical dimentions but the surface was damaged.In that case they can take
the dimentions then braze the surface & cut both with a boring bar. Better
call Herman befare I volenteer him for a job he may not be willing to do.
Herman van den Akker  805-583-5470

                                                 KEN G>

                                    British Frame & Engine

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