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Re: Time to paint! Oh boy...

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Time to paint! Oh boy...
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 21:19:45 -0700
Organization: None whatsoever
References: <l03020901afb09bd083fd@[]> <l03020900afb1b50b60fd@[]> <>
Roger Helman wrote:

>     Do not fill, with sealer or filler. I made this mistake and am going
> to pay for it soon (new paint job)!  It looked good at first, but now
> cracks and chips are beginning to appear after about 1500 miles.  I
> would paint them on. To many chances to scratch them while mounting
> them.

While there are sealer and paint combinations which work fairly well in
small lengths, I'm in agreement here, because the fender seam is so
long. In the manufacture of buses, we use stuff called Sikaflex, and
paint over it with PPG Durethane, which is fairly flexible. We have one
run of about thirty feet for drip rails and small intermittent cracks
appear in the paint there after 2-3 years, but the sealer stays put, and
we are simply looking for leak protection at that point because of the
design, and the paint cracks are in a place not visible to the general

I would say that the indentations at the top of the inner and outer
fenders be quite clean when painted, even though they don't show after
the beading's installed, since those are drain points. For that reason,
I'd say paint the fenders separately and then install, so there's good
paint coverage on the inner and outer fenders on all surfaces.

My other Triumph does run, but....

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