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Dual Brake Circuit Master Cylinder

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested)
Subject: Dual Brake Circuit Master Cylinder
From: Jim Harrell <>
Date: 14 May 1997 12:54:53 -0400
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     I have recently acquired a 1960 TR-3A and am in the process of going 
     through the various systems to make sure everything's "up to snuff" so 
     I can enjoy the car on the road (versus in the garage).
     I'd like to know if any of the list members are aware of a brake 
     master cylinder upgrade/swap/conversion that would provide true dual 
     brake circuit capability for my TR-3A?  I have made this upgrade to my 
     356 Porsches and I enjoy the piece of mind it brings while driving.  
     There's nothing quite like the sinking feeling one gets when they 
     depress the brake pedal and it goes to the floor while the car 
     proceeds along its merry way because a rubber brake hose has broken 
     and the whole system drains!
     At least with a dual circuit system, you have the expectation (barring 
     a total failure of the master cylinder) that half of your brakes will 
     still function.  Any advice or information would be appreciated!

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