< snip >
> what is the real
> difference between the side draft/down draft single weber
> setups? is there any real performance difference?
In a nutshell - the sidedraft is primarily a no compromise performance carb.
designed for inline engines that are modified to use it, while the downdraft
is a more civilized, more forgiving carb designed to be used on your every
day family type car. That's not to say you can't get any performance from
the down draft - but for most non modified or slightly modified cars the
down draft is probably the better choice for drivability.
Barry Schwartz
Bschwartz@encad.com (San Diego)
72-V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (project on hold for now)