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Re: bouncing gauges

To: (Triumph Mailing List)
Subject: Re: bouncing gauges
From: "Randell Jesup" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 96 15:56:19 EDT
>>Do all the speedo's and Tach's bounce around like they are suspended on
>It's part of the car's charm (c.f. 'the smell of warm wiring')

        It's just to make sure the challenge level for driving these cars is
high enough.  You wouldn't want to get bored while driving, right?

        Seriously, bouncing mechanical gauges (speedo, mechanical tachs) are
almost always due to a bad cable.  My tach cable was bad and it bounced, but
to rotating with my fingers it feels fine.  Replacing it fixed the problem;
it's now rock-steady.
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
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