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Re: Battery Isolator Switch

Subject: Re: Battery Isolator Switch
From: "Jerry Causey" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 09:58:07 -0800
Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
Priority: normal
> I just mounted a battery isolation switch in my 71B, and put it on the
> front wall of the battery compartment immediately behind the passenger
> side seat. 
                                 <little SNIP here>
>Works like a dream, and
> also stops the annoying drop off in battery charge due to a minor ground
> fault (Lucas design criterion............??) which has been plaguing me
> for a couple of years.

Has anyone tried running a ground cable from the battery, directly to 
the engine (one of the starter bolts looks quite convenient)? I've 
read this does wonders for improving the starter's ability to spin 
the engine over. If so, just how long is the cable and what size did 
you use?

Jerry Causey

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