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Re: clouds of blue smoke

Subject: Re: clouds of blue smoke
From: (Egil Kvaleberg)
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 1995 01:47:37 +0200
Newsgroups: mail.triumphs
Organization: Siving Egil Kvaleberg AS
References: <v01530501ac971959a790@[]>
In article <v01530501ac971959a790@[]>, (John Mardesich) wrote:
> On a nice long staightaway, I wound up to about 4500 rpm in third gear,
> then thought I saw a cop and let off the throttle.  I huge bluish cloud
> followed me as I decellerated.  I know this means burning oil, but is it
> valve guides or rings? 

When you let off the throttle at high speed, you create a *huge* 
vacuum in the inlet. This will suck oil down through the inlet
valve guides. Most likely.

IMHO, you could decide to live with slightly leaky guides for quite
some time. 

Bad rings is another matter, they rob power and MPG in a big way.

Do a compression test (hot engine, full throttle, all plugs out). 
If it shows up OK, it definitely is the guides.

If a cylinder or two is bad, pour oil in to check if it is the rings
that are leaking. If the improvement is marginal, you have burnt
valves (again, not so good).


Email:  Voice: +47 22523641/92022780 Fax: +47 22525899
Snail: Egil Kvaleberg, Husebybakken 14A, 0379 Oslo, Norway

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