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tr-6 camshaft specs

Subject: tr-6 camshaft specs
From: ssutton@ban.CHINALAKE.NAVY.MIL
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 95 16:20:31 PDT
Does anyone out there in Triumph-land have the camshaft timing specifications 
for a '74 1/2 TR-6 (Engine # CF28236UE); i believe this has the 'later' spec 
camshaft.  Specifically I am looking for the following:

Inlet opens xx BTDC      Inlet closes xx ABDC
Exhaust opens xx BBDC    Exhaust closes xx ATDC
Lift at vavle .xxx"

All my reference material shows specifications for the Triumph competition 
cams (S-2, S-4, etc) but no info on the stock cam.  

Thanks in advance.

Steve Sutton
Ridgecrest, CA

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