Brad, I also advise that many tire shops will match the price of the best deal
you can find on the net, including Tire Rack...I recently purchased a full set
of shoes for my cobra replica, and Discount Tire ordered them and took 10
bucks per tire off to "beat" the competition of TireRack's price....and they
have order access to every brand of tire that I know of...and now since they
sold them they will back up the warranty and far as the wheel damage
concerns....I didn't worry about it but that is probably a valid concern...I
would just take good pics of the wheels, some how document that you dropped
them off with them and express to the person at the shop that they are rare or
something and that it's a concern for you....not sure what else you could do
on that...
Good luck
What kind of luck have you had when you buy your tires from an internet
and you take them to the local tire shop to be mounted?
1) Will they even talk to you?
2)Having the zitty high school dropout with the scraggly beard attempt to
mount tires on non replaceable rims bothers me. If they break one they will
just say sorry, you didn't buy them from us anyway.
Any thoughts. I would even buy a one day insurance policy on the wheels to
me through the process if it were possible. -Brad
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