Im very glad to read that others, besides myself,
still have a sense of humor. Everyone should remember
that our LIST is one of the best, providing both great
advice and much knowledge, which makes owning a Tiger
more fun and less expensive. Helping each other locate
needed parts or the simple act of sharing information
with each other, even if the information was
previously posted. New members or owners, enjoy the
repeated conversations and for some it is a reminder
of the email they forgot to keep and they get a second
chance to store the part number or business that sells
stainless fasteners etc. Sometimes, someone post an
opinion and we forget that each one of us has that
right, even if no one agress with said opinion or if
95% agree and a few dont, we still show either
percentile the same respect as if you personally
shared the same opinion or NOT. WE are a very lucky
group. Each member knows we own one of the greatest
little sports cars that found its way across the pond,
we have each other, an extended family from which
great friensships have evolved and we all have the
ability to laugh. Enjoy your day and like real family,
remember even if you dont agree with what Ive said,
please stand up for my right to say it and also,always
remember, opinions are just that and one has never
been meant to be a personal attack, just something
expressed by one person, hoping several agree with him
or her as the case might be. Most of all never forget
how to laugh, it is contagious and like real family,
you cant pick your relatives and you cant pick Tiger
owners, so respect both they are an invaluable
resource. IMHO, perhaps, Tony in IL
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