By the way, there's a great article in Hemmings Muscle Machines Magazine
(excellent magazine) on Rich Kopec and SAAC.
In the body of the article, Mr. Kopec states that he and Mr. Eber had a
different agenda than the membership and officers of the local Shelby club they
were involved with in the 1970's. They decided to strike out on their own and
start something better. They did.
I may be talking with forked tongue since I haven't been involved with
Tigers as long as most on the List; however, Mr. Kopec's and Mr. Eber's
in the 1970's may be somewhat analogous to what some members are feeling
about their local Tiger clubs today.
Chris is right that TU is the best thing available right now, but it can be
made bigger and better. What about cars and parts for sale/wanted, a complete
club events' listings, swap meets and shows instead of web links? How about
a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly newsletter sent to each List Member's
email box? Would I be willing to pay a membership fee to Steve L.? You betcha.