Public speech is NOT protected communication. Why, just look at the
elections where attributions of comments that were not even made were
published by the media in print, TV, and books. What was the result?
Why another round of the same from the aggrieved party against the
source :-) .
It ain't illegal to quote public, or even private speech. Although if
the private speech is damaging to the quoted source, and you have no
documented or recorded proof, then slander is an available option. But
that is a "he said, he (she) said" issue. And you know how those go.
Theo Smit wrote:
>Just put a disclaimer at the front stating that the subsequent footage is a
>work of fiction and any resemblance between events, people, and equipment
>described in the video, and event, people, and equipment that exist in the
>ligitious real world, are accidental, and not to be construed as
>representative of anyone's actual opinion or experience.
Steve Laifman