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Glad to see the list back...Engine Removal...

To: tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Glad to see the list back...Engine Removal...
From: "Paul R. Breuhan" <prbreuhan@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 00:03:49 -0400
I am glad to see the list is back, my email box was feeling kind of empty 
this last week...and I am sure I will be calling on the list for help in the 
coming months.

Anyways, I am about to start the rebirth (rebuild) of my Tiger after that 
little fire I had a couple weeks ago. I need to pull the engine to take a 
look at it and to have at the engine compartment to give it a good cleaning, 
priming and get it ready for new paint in the spring.

I am going to do the lower the engine, raise the body trick. I have read a 
bit about it in the CAT Shop Notes and it seems straight forward enough but 
wondered if there was any more information on the web or if anyone who has 
done this has any words of wisedom (helpful tips or things to watch out for) 
on this task.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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