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Re: RPM vs Torque - a Fairy Tale

To: Steve Laifman <SLaifman@socal.rr.com>
Subject: Re: RPM vs Torque - a Fairy Tale
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <sosnaenergyconsulting@cox.net>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 11:32:59 -0800
Great story--and a wonderful illustration!
While tempted by the Bugatti part of the story, I don't think I'll go 
out and buy one of those pocket rockets with bags of horsepower at a 
zillion rpm, though.  I understand that they aren't much fun on a day to 
day basis unless I keep the revs up all the time--in fact, did I 
understand correctly that your final chapter to the story seemed to 
illustrate the benefits of day to day drivability from having lots of 

Best Regards

David Sosna

Steve Laifman wrote:

> Gather around the fire, friends, and let me spin you a semi long tale.
> Once upon a time, in a land far, far away,  a World Class Championship 
> car race was being held - and the Evil Empire ruled. They all had these 
> huge, powerful machines, with their fearless drivers, that dominated the 
> racing circuits. Time brewed larger, and even more powerful machines.
> The hills reverberated with their thundering passage.  The quality of 
> the vehicles was judged, and demonstrated by the enormous quantities of 
> torque produced that allowed challenges of climbing steep hills in top 
> gear from a dead stop.
> At dawn, one overcast day, at the World Championship Race, they were 
> lined up. Enormous engines were thundering at idle.  The biggest, most 
> powerful cars and drivers in the world, awaiting the start of the long, 
> hard European Grand Championship race.
> Then, what should appear but a new Challenger.  It was met with 
> disbelief, and loud disdain. "What, you bring a bright blue child's toy 
> to this battle. It is an insult!".  "Does your mommy know you have your 
> pedal car here?"  "Watch out, I might just run over you, hiding beneath 
> my hubcaps!"  "Where is the one for the other foot?"  Boorish disdain 
> and laughter filled the air.  The Challenger just smiled slightly, in a 
> quiet way. He towered over his machine, as opposed to the Champions who 
> climbed up high to their steed's controls.
> After a long, grueling duel, the Champions found the new Challenger 
> cooling off at the finish line, many hours ahead of them, awaiting their 
> arrival.  The bright blue French Bugatti had beaten Europe's finest 12 
> Liter cars, ending one era and beginning another.
> There has been an argument about low speed torque vs. high rpm for a 
> long time, before, after, and currently.
> But, as the wise man pointed out, "races go to finishers".  Just look at 
> today's Grand Prix and sports car racing machines.  Unarguably the 
> fastest we have ever seen.  And those screams of high rpms, and 
> multi-speed auto shift gearboxes, are a fitting conclusion to the 
> argument that Bugatti, then NOVI , and BRM started years earlier.
> Then again, on a personal note, I took off from a stoplight with 
> traffic, the other day, keeping up with what the surrounding traffic 
> would allow. When I went to shift from first to second I ended up in 
> fourth!
> I had unknowingly started in the wrong gate, third gear!  I couldn't 
> tell, it just moved on out with the fastest traffic would allow.  Of 
> course I did have the Mk II wide ratio gear set with the good ratios, 
> but I am still smiling.  The young hot-rodder still remembers tearing up 
> the street in the big iron.
> Irony, such a sting.
> Steve

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