Hello all,
Yes, the stock Tiger cooling system is flawed:
1)Stock radiator is restrictive which decreases coolant flow
2)Stock radiator is stressed at 16psi (stock cap is 13psi)
3)Stock copper/brass radiator is less efficient than aluminum
4)Expansion tank is on the high pressure side of the cooling system
5)Stock water pump is not efficient (lower pressure and flow than modern pumps)
I followed the TE/AE article and Stewart's suggestions to cool my 400hp Tiger:
1)Custom Griffin aluminum radiator with the expansion tank bottom hose inlet
deleted from the left side (as viewed from the back of the radiator) and a vent
tube added to the top of the low pressure side (right) tank (to be connected to
the top inlet nipple of the expansion tank which allows air separation)
2)20lb cap
3)Expansion tank bottom hose connected to one of the heater hose inlets on the
water pump (this is on the suction side of the pump)which creates a positive
head of coolant for the engine at all times
4)Modern high pressure/flow pump (I used Edelbrock)
5)Draele high pitch fan and smaller diameter water pump pulley
6)High flow modified thermostat
7)H2O + Water wetter + Anti rust/lube as my coolant
I push the Tiger rather hard with no (cooling) problems.
The decision to correct any cooling problem should be approached from a total
cooling system frame of reference. As the Tigers United article suggests, check
to see if your cooling system is 10/10 before you spend the big bucks modifying
Good luck!
Henry Vicioso