I have 4 early-style well-used (make that used-up) Tiger Konis--2 fronts, 2
rears, which I would sell dirt cheap, should someone wish to pursue the
rebuild route. Is $50 + shipping fair enough?
Al Johnson
Peter MacDonald wrote:
> All-
> My front Konis have finally given up (lasted well since '65). I had the
> rears rebuilt at McAfee-McKenzie in Sun Valley, CA many years ago. They
> do not show a listing in the Superpages, nor do the phone numbers seem
> current: (213) 845 8525, 849-3379 even trying the current 818 area code.
> Does anyone know if they are still around? Any suggestions other than
> sending my shocks to Kentucky(?) to Koni NA,from Van. BC?
> Please feel free to reply off-list. Thanks!
> Peter MacDonald