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To: "National Corporation (E-mail)" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: FW: INQUIRY 080399E
From: "Wright, Larry" <larry.wright@usop.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 11:32:00 -0400
Lawrence R. Wright
Purchasing Analyst
Andrews Office Products Div. of USOP
larry.wright@usop.com (new)
Ph. 301.386.7923  Fx. 301.386.5333

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wright, Larry 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 9:20 AM
> To:   National Corporation (E-mail)
> Subject:      INQUIRY 080399E
>       Off-topic a bit, but does anyone subscr1be to 
> Automobile Quarterly? I see in the new Classic Motorbooks 
> catalog a reference to Volume 39, Number 1, which I assume is 
> new. One of the articles, and the cover photo, is for the 
> Trident. A while back I expressed interest in this marque as, 
> like the Sunbeam Tiger, at least some (if not all???) of 
> these British cars were V8-powered. I think it was Rande from 
> this List (thanks!) that faxed me a page or two on the 
> Trident from a book at the time; I'd now like to know more.
>       If someone subscr1bes and could make a copy of that one 
> article & fax to me, I'd appreciate it. Or scan and e-mail, 
> whatever is easier. Or, if ya discard 'em after reading, drop 
> by and leave the book with me. :^)
>       Sorry for the non-Tiger content, but the Trident is 
> another shoehorn job, a distant cousin of sorts. Perhaps on 
> the Trident list they have resolved all of their overheating, 
> handling and traction problems and just beat up on the guy 
> who shoved a 351 into his Trident.
> Lawrence R. Wright
> Purchasing Analyst
> Andrews Office Products Div. of USOP
> larry.wright@usop.com (new)
> Ph. 301.386.7923  Fx. 301.386.5333

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