I for one do care and would like to get a copy of what you have written. It
just so happens that someone else recently gave me what I believe was a MS
Works document. It was a *.wps file. I naively thought that since it was
MS, surely I could read it with Word 97. WRONG! It was not very important,
so I didn't work very hard at finding a solution. Are your file extensions
of the *.wps type? This sounds like some Word Perfect document to me. If
your program lets you save a file as Rich Text Format (*.rtf), I would
recommend you send this type of file. Even Mac users should be able to read
this. (Steve? ;>)
At 10:01 PM 3/8/99 -0500, MWood24020@aol.com wrote:
>Well, I have heard from a few of you that opening my zipped, Microsoft Works
>files is tough on your respective PCs.
>What I want to know is: Has anyone been able to open these files?
>If not, does any computer-literate list member have any suggestions?
>Or, does this also fall into the category of: who really cares?
Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego