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inquiry 012299f

To: "'DJoh797014@aol.com'" <DJoh797014@aol.com>
Subject: inquiry 012299f
From: "Wright, Larry" <lrw@aop.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:45:15 -0500
Lawrence R. Wright
Purchasing Analyst
Andrews Office Products Div. of USOP
Ph. 301.386.7923  Fx. 301.386.5333

* -----Original Message-----
* From: DJoh797014@aol.com [mailto:DJoh797014@aol.com]
* Dont fool around when pulling the hub from the rear axle.  It very
* easy to bend the hub.  Use the proper tool, an axle puller with
* four legs.  

Gotcha. Plan to. If I cannot borrow or rent one, I'll buy one. But back
to my original question; what's wrong with possibly doing this with the
rear axle assembly off the car? It seems that the impact load would then
be not on the outer housing where the spring perches are, but on the
ends of the axle which are gonna get the cr*p beat out of them anyways.
Does it matter?

* Another tip, thread a die on the end of the axle.

Got one from the last time. Cannot think of any other use for a die that
size, now that I have it!

* Also the die will hold the hub when it does separate.  Don't be
* surprised at the loud bang when it comes loose.  My mechanic
* says he has seen the hubs fly completely across a shop and
* make a hole against a wall.  

Like, yet another reason to be doing this anywhere but in the garage and
on the car?????

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