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Re: Brake Servo Units

To: Mike Burd <mikeburd@email.msn.com>
Subject: Re: Brake Servo Units
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 22:26:59 -0800
Mike Burd wrote:

> My car has a Girling MK2A brake booster 5".

Stock for all but MkII, and re-build kits are about $60.  Not an easy job,
better use a pro.

> Why does the later Tigers have the bigger 7"booster? All the brake
> components seem to be the same on all Tigers.

The 7" MkII Tiger unit was also used on the Alpine Series V, but the actual
boost ratio may have been different, don't know.  The Tiger unit is 3:1 on
the 7" and 2.2  or 2.5:1 on the 5" unit, unsure.

> I have located a 7" Lockheed booster. Would it be better to upgrade it to
> the 7" anyway?

There are 5" and 7" Lockheed Units.  I've seen some with the rear bolts
mounted right to the firewall, without any "kits", but they come in
different boost ratios.  I think that Sunbeam Specialties units are 2.2:1.
Ask Rick.

> Would I be better to stick with the original size, 5" but a Lockheed?(I
> can't seem to locate a new Girling one.(no surprise)

Can't yours be rebuilt?  I had a MkIIB 7" unit.  A more modern design in all
respects, and a bolt-in replacement, but there are NO rebuild kits (that is
for less than $300 for the kit, if you can find one, and it's complete with
screw-on band.)  Went with a re-built MkIIA 7".  Tight fit on a MkI Tiger,
even with the MkII brackets, but works great.  Cleaning canister piston bore
and hard chrome plating, stainless or brass sleeving of the hydraulics, lots
of red goo, and a KNOWLEDGEABLE repair person are worth considering.  The
biggest leak source is between the piston rod and it's hydraulic unit entry
shaft seal.  Assuring the condition of this shaft, and hard chrome, wouldn't
be so bad an idea either.

All it takes is money.

If you want a good source for re-building, or a source for one re-built
already, let me know.


> Thanks for your help  Mike

Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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