Just something to add about British Car Day.
Along time ago now (10yrs+) Stu Brennan, TE/AE New England rep, and others
from local British clubs in New England, were the main force behind using the
great lawn area around Boston's Museum of Transportation for a British car show
each Summer. I joined the effort a couple of years later, and the two of us
become the main organizers outside the Museum for the annual British Car Day.
Two Sunbeam people organizing a show that this year registered 205 cars.
What this means is this. For those of you who belong to CAT or STOA and don't
live in California, near where you think the club action is, create your own
Use the club roster to find members in your local area, and put on your own
events. Car shows are easy. Use a members house , an empty high school parking
lot on a Saturday or Sunday. Organize a driving tour to a scenic site or to an
autocross or local race.
If you can't find enough Sunbeamers, tie in with another marque. In our area
(Boston), the area TVR club is trying to combine some events with us.
Class dismissed. DON'T RUN!!!