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Re: Brakes

To: Thomas Malmstr�m <thomas@stockholmia.se>,
Subject: Re: Brakes
From: ritchie@mcn.org (Armand & Lorie Ritchie)
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 08:34:01 +0100
>I just reassembled my Tiger after a total brakejob. My problem is that
>when I=B4ve used the brakes they stay applied and will not come loose until
>I turn off the engine and push the brake pedal once more.
>Something with the booster??
>Thomas Malmstr=F6m, Sweden

Thomas, my Mk1 did the same thing, so I removed the brake booster and no
more problems.  I used a double female fitting at each end and a short
piece of brake line between them to make it all work without the booster,
it's a little harder to apply the brakes but not that bad.  Did your wheels
heat up like mine did?  Mine got so hot they were smoking before I made the
Hope this helps
 Regards Armand Ritchie
 California USA

Armand & Lorie Ritchie

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