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Re: CAT Parts Dept. "Fiasco"

To: tiger technologies <tartanad@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: CAT Parts Dept. "Fiasco"
From: Steve Sage <rootes@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:52:12 -0800
tiger technologies wrote:

> To all:
> The other day, CAT newsletter editor Steve Sage alluded to a "CAT parts
> department changeover fiasco". I shot back a message looking for
> illumination of the subject but as yet no response.
> If anyone out there could provide more information--particularly since there
> is no January Tiger Tales to refer to which is generally club members' only
> source of information--it would be very much appreciated. Many of us depend
> a great deal on CAT parts, so if there is a problem I'm sure I'm not the
> only one who would be interested. Thanks,
> Jeff/TT

 Jeff And Everyone:
Jeff, you aren't aware that the CAT warehouse changed location and management,
at the CAT board's direction, about five yearts ago? You haven't noticed that
it's located at a different address? You aren't aware that, unfortunately, some
bad feelings  resulted and a few CAT members have pretty much opted out of the
club since then? If this is really the case and you really aren't aware of any
of this, feel free to call me personally and I'll fill you in. I won't, though,
in any shape or form, re-open any old wounds either here on the internet, or in
the magazine. The only comment I'll make on the subject, and it's the last one I
will make about it, is that there have been no, and I mean zero, problems with
the parts department in any shape or form as far as I have heard from ANYONE.

With all the time that's passed, it would be great if some of us with memories
like elephants would forget about any past affronts and work together to make
the club a vehicle for all of us to better the field for keeping our cars on the
road and ENJOYING them, instead of dwelling on ancient history. That's what I
plan on doing, without exception.

Steve Sage

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