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SOS Recap / Tiger steering Rack

To: tigers@Autox.Team.Net, alpines@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: SOS Recap / Tiger steering Rack
From: "Chris S. Mottram"<Chris.S.Mottram@ecc.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 14:20:40 -0400

Chris S. Mottram@ECCI
09/22/97 02:20 PM

The 2nd annual Sunbeams of the South was this past weekend.  Since I have
not seen a recap, I'll provide one.
Approximately 20 Tigers and 6 Alpines showed up for the festivities Friday
through Sunday.  The weather was a little warm (about 90) and only a very
minor sprinkling of rain.  Friday, I caravaned up from Atlanta with Union
Jack Jackson, Ted Stewart, and Bill Cartus.  The Hospitality and parts room
was set up and Sunbeams began arriving.  By dinner time there was about 20
Sunbeamers ready to eat. We were given verbal directions to a restaurant in
the next town and caravaned off to dinner.  Since the directions were
geared for locals, there was a train of Tigers and Alpines wandering down
lonesome roads and turning around in parking lots.  We gave the locals
quite a show!  Everyone had a good laugh.  We eventually found the
Saturday was the show in the morning and a drive to Highlands North
Carolina in the afternoon.  The drive was about 1 hour through some very
beautiful and twisty mountain roads.  We stopped for a group photo at a
light waterfall  (we're having a drought) with a road that runs behind it.
We all parked behind the waterfall and took our pictures.  If I get a good
one I'll scan it in and have it put on the web page.  After reaching
Highlands, everyone was on their own to eat or shop.
Dinner on Saturday was great and the awards from the show were given out.

Steve Jaffe from Florida made a call for anyone interested in a quick
steerig set up that corrects the ackerman geometry problem.  He's having
someone build these and needs enough buyers to bring down the unit cost.  I
don't remember seeing this discussed here on the list.  If anyone is
interested, I can get his number.  He is listed in the  TE/AE roster.

This is the first Sunbeam only event I have been to and my wife and I had a
good time and made some friends.  I'll be going back next year.


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