It is funny how we guage our losses against this vendor and chalk them =
up to experience, but in the end he's a bait and switch/screw artist. I =
had limited success with Simon on the first few parts, but he did =
actually exchange a banged up MkII grille for a very sound one for no =
extra money. In another round the parts never arrived and I notified my =
credit card company and they just yanked the money plus interest from =
the limey's account. In frantic desperation, Simon sent out some of the =
parts which I paid for... after they arrived. He did find me a MkII =
eyebrow... hopefully not lifted from some poor bastards garage. I'm all =
for banning this vendor from U.S. lists and rags based on my experiences =
and those of others in this group... where do I sign?