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Re: Magnesium Rods

To: Roland Dudley <cobra@cdc.hp.com>, laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Subject: Re: Magnesium Rods
From: Bennett Cullen <p21988@gegpo8.geg.mot.com>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 97 09:17:00 MST
>> > >found that there is none in Arizona. The closest source is a company 
>> > >Angeles. MARK METALS is the only source of the material. A minimum
>> > >is $340.00 for 36 feet of 1/2" diameter rod. They will cut it into 72"
>> > >pieces and ship ups. Does anyone know of another source? The minimum
>> > >purchase sort of slows me down from rushing out and buying a train 
>> > >it.
>> > >Cullen in Tempe (B9472658)
>> Do you realize we could put 6" of 1/2 mag rod into 144 Tiger radiator
>> tanks for
>> $2.36 each + s&h and cutting. I'll bet we would pay $5 each for the
>> piece of metal that saves our car for another 30+ years.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Steve
>I dunno Steve, if you ever had a fire at a Tiger meet, everyone's
>radiator would burn to the ground.
Yeah, but it would sure light up the nigh sky!
That stuff burns with a blue-white light.


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