>Way back when these cars were new, the registration procedures by California
>dealers were to designate the model year as the current model year (i.e.,
>October to September) when there were no substantial differences from the
>"actual" year. Hence, we have Series 1 Alpines (built from Oct '59 to Oct
>'60) registered as 1963 models, and Series 4s as 1967, etc.
Would that mean that a '59 series I that didn't sell until, say 1968,
need to meet '68 specs? Seatbelts, PCV valve, whatever? Not that
I'm suggesting that DMV's have to be logical, or even consistant,
mind you. Just cannot figger out if California is car heaven or
car hell, most days.
BTW, Maryland DMV insists that my car is a '65, even though Mrs.
Grinch has had her same fat butt in the same chair there since she
handled the original registration when the car was new, and she
should know better. Fortunately, MuD doesn't require me to smog
test the car.
Larry Wright, Maryland "I can't get no-- Satis-traction"
1996 Nissan 200SX SE-R 1964 Sunbeam Tiger Mk 1
1992 Toyota pick-up (who cares)
ph 301.386.7979 fax 301.386.5333