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Re: Grassroots Motorsports

To: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>,
Subject: Re: Grassroots Motorsports
From: "Pete Towell" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 23:19:55 -0500
As a relatively new and geographically displaced member (Florida), my
answers do not include the food.

- What has Team Thicko meant to you,both on and off the track.  Answer -- a
source of camaraderie and information.  I am new to vintage racing and, as a
driver of a LBC, find the Thickos as a great source of knowledge and
information ... some of it is even good!

- What are we doing right? Answer -- Making vintage racing accessible to
real people.  Nothing against Ferrari and Porsche drivers, but vintage
racing includes a lot of us LBC drivers!

- Why have so many people embraced our philosophy? Overeating and heavy
drinking ... is there more?

- Why are you involved? See above ... and who else will let a Mini-Cooper
into polite (?) company?

Pete Towell
Austin Cooper 'S' #91 "Manic Mini"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
To: "Thickos" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 12:17 PM
Subject: Grassroots Motorsports

> To all Thickos,
> In our grand tradition of tireless self-promotion, I asked Grassroots
> Motorsports Magazine if they were interested in doing a story on Team
> Thicko. Their reply... short and to the point... "sure". (Since Victory
> and Vintage Motorsport seem to be dragging their feet.)
> So, this message is to those of you that like to hear yourselves talk as
> much as I like the sound of my own voice. What has Team Thicko meant to
> both on and off the track. What are we doing right? Why have so many
> embraced our philosophy? Why are you involved? (Yes... we know some of you
> only come for the food. You have been identified by your repeated trips to
> the chow line, and sudden departure upon the food's disappearance..).
> are Thickos on multiple continents. There are Thickos in  drag racing,
> speed record racing. This year will mark the debut of Thickos invading the
> vintage go kart racing scene.
> Give me a paragraph on why you're a member, what you race, why you're
> amused...or if you're part of the Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms
> and have been assigned to monitor us.
> Flounder

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