There is definitely a high end on the bearings' RPM for longevity, That's why
quite a few, if not most, racers put smaller pulleys on their water pumps and
alternators-or use an 'Underdrive' pulley on the crank. If you run these two
ancillaries at high RPMs for long periods of time, you get cavitation in the
water pump, which leads to overheating, and bearings do burn out in the
Mark Haynes
It only goes one way-Pay it Forward
Well there's your answer. I had to go through three alternators from AutoZone
before I
got one that would last more than a year. I think their "rebuilding" process
is not much more than clean and polish. :-)
Sent from my keyboard
> On Feb 2, 2015, at 12:34 PM, Trevor Jessie <> wrote:
> I'm just trying to rule out possibilities on how I'm killing so many
> alternators.
They fail slowly. Gradually requiring more and more rpms before they start
charging and
eventually they quit charging regardless on rpms. I'm on my fourth "rebuilt"
Lucas unit from a major chain autoparts store.
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