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[Spridgets] More OT from me - IV infection?

Subject: [Spridgets] More OT from me - IV infection?
From: grunthaner at gmail.com (Linda Grunthaner)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 14:52:34 -0500
References: <AANLkTikkJ=kOhftOyGUAs8kOscn+JZRFgBFNgdrFT+2j@mail.gmail.com>
Glad to hear the good news on the MRI but sorry to hear of the infection.
Hope to hear better news in 48 hrs ; )

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Rick Bastedo <rbastedo at gmail.com> wrote:

> In case you didn't catch it before, my MRI and MRA showed a nice 'normal'
> brain with all wiring and plumbing intact and apparently working within
> optimal parameters.
> My Doc and I agree it's my damaged cervical disc that's causing most of the
> problems, and we agree it's not yet bad enough to let the slice and dice
> guys in there to monkey around.
> So, as I posted before the MRI/MRA exams went great - except for one slight
> detail.
> The IV wound became infected.
> Now my right bicep is all swollen and hot and very much painful.
> Doc prescribed antibiotics which I've been on for about 22 hours now.
> I'm guessing the guy who did the IV screwed up, didn't swab between the
> steel needle and the plastic one for use in the Magnetometer or something
> like that.
> Maybe he sneezed on it while inserting it in my arm or something.
> Who knows, I was laying there with my head in a plastic cage and couldn't
> see what was going on at the time.
> All that's clear is that someone screwed up and man this thing hurts.
> Anyway, Doc says it's a staph infection and the antibiotics should clear it
> up within 48 hours.
> Rick (learning to be a lefty) Bastedo
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