Thanks for all the replies regarding my need for an OBD 1 scanner, this link
appears to be the cheapest method of reading my check engine light (it
stopped flashing so I hope this method below still works). I will need to
confirm this method of paperclip jump from the B to the A port before I give
it a try. I have both the Haynes Manual and my recent purchase of all 3 GM
binders for my 94 Saturn should have the list of flashing light codes.
Thanks again List friends,
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 6:57 AM, Linda Grunthaner <>wrote:
> List,
> I have been looking a few years for an OBD I for my 1994 Saturn but can't
> find one. Does anyone know where I can get one they must have made them
> before 96. I have purchased & returned an OBD II in the past as it said it
> only worked on a 96 and above.
> Thanks Lin
> PS I need my check engine light on like I need another hole in my head.
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