It is not necessarily the >amount< of insulation but >where< it is
placed that will kill a house.
As you say, you MUST allow for ventilation to avoid condensation. A common
error is to block up all of the ventilation holes then condensation will rot
the house just as you said. I'll bet the guy across the street with the
plaster problem also has rot in the timber ends inside his attic but he may
not have found that yet!
You can waste your time and money by having too much insulation but you'll
waste it to a far bigger degree if you block up the correct ventilation for
your house construction type.
Guy R Day
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Johnson" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Spridget List" <>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] House insulation and some gratuitous LBC content
> David & Leo,
> My experience is contrary to David's. I live in a 100 year old house. The
> house across the street is from the same period. The owner of that house
> jammed it full of all the blown and bat insulation he could get into it.
> Eventually, the house could not breath at all and trapped all the
> atmospheric moisture inside. In the winter that moisture began to condense
> as "sweat" inside his walls and ceilings. Eventually, his interior plaster
> was ruined and mold grew to be so bad that he had to tear out the entire
> interior and a bunch of the insulation. It was a mess. My builder friend
> says in our west Kansas climate, anything over R19 is a waste and will
> cause
> you trouble sooner or later. That number might vary for other parts of the
> country??
> Cheers!!
> Jim
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