Some other info:
The #1 plug wire marker on the dizzy cap, if it has a mark, is only
good if you stick the dizzy in a certain way. There are several
different positions that the rotor can end up in when you put a motor
together. To change the position you have to pull the dizzy and then
use a long 5/16 bolt to pull the dizzy drive. It is not hard, but
also not necessary.
Just turn the crank until both #1 valves are closed and the marks line
up for TDC. Then note where the rotor points and put the #1 plug wire
there. Ignore the #1 marks on the cap, if there are any. #4 should
go opposite #1. #s 2 and 3 should go as described earlier, 1,3,4,2 in
the direction of rotor rotation.
You may have to move the dizzy to get it started. Try turning it
over. If it doesn't start, move the dizzy a little and try again.
You will be able to hear a difference when it gets close to being good
enough to start. Once you get it started, wipe the grin off your face
and hit it with a timing light before you tighten the dizzy clamp.
Have a beer.
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