Actually, I think about it.......
and while your suggestion certainly has merit......and in the absence of a
.the new "1-2-3" electronic dizzy strikes me as the best of all worlds
considering the number of electronically selectable curves
it incorporates with directions as to how to select a curve from "known"
categories of the Series A motor.
Which is to say....if my Aldon "special" dizzy
equipped with original PerTronix ever bites the dust, the "1-2-3" is what I
would replace it with considering Dave Lieb's excellent experience with same.
Let's face it....all the choices are pretty good, the "upside" of electronic
(all other
factors being equal) being better quality of spark along with timing
consistency, auto-variable dwell (in most cases for better spark at higher
rpms) and virtually no maintenance.
The "downside" of any electronic system includes the necessity for towing
a cell phone or the carrying of a spare.
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)